What are the entrance requirements?

Females at least 18 years of age Applicant must have a personal or telephone interview with the Director A completed application and life history letter, approved by staff Signed financial agreement. This includes a non-refundable $750 entrance fee plus $1250 for your first month. A deposit for transportation upon leaving the program may also be required for students living outside the Valdosta area. Applicant must be detoxed and drug/alcohol free. You may be drug tested upon arrival. Tapering of certain medications may be required under a physician's care and discretion of the staff. A physical examination is required. The applicant must have the physical exam form completed by a physician and mailed, faxed or emailed to us. Applicant must have her original Social Security Card and Driver’s License/State ID Card If applicable, applicant must have the names, addresses, and phone numbers of probation officers, parole officers, attorneys, or public defenders. Applicant must also have a copy of any court orders or mandatory appearances. Applicant must sign admission agreement and adhere to the guidelines and rules of the South Georgia House of Hope.

What is the process of admittance?

Prospective ladies must complete the application entry form and include a minimum five-page life history letter. This letter should include a description of: any childhood; history of trauma/abuse; what led you into addiction; what life was like in addiction, and what made you want to get help. This letter should also contain any significant relationships that you have been involved in and what your relationship with God is like.. This can be submitted via mail, fax, or email to the House of Hope. Once your application is received, you will be contacted for a phone interview by the staff. The application process time can vary, depending on each applicant’s situation and can be expedited upon extreme circumstances.

What is a typical day like?

Women in the residential program wake up early (usually 6:30 am) during the week to spend quiet time with God. This allows the ladies to journal, looking at their hearts and His. The schedule is highly structured: certain mornings are spent outside, often doing organic gardening or maintaining the property, then after lunch the ladies have class time, which include personal and group studies. The ladies also serve three days a week working at our thrift store, Restored Treasures. Evenings vary; sometimes they are spent in worship, class, or Bible study, and sometimes in preparation for upcoming house events. We place a high priority on helping the ladies discover and heal the root issues that initially caused their addiction. We call this inner healing. Time is also given in the evening for devotionals and journaling, where lights are out at 10:00 pm during the week. Sundays are more relaxed, reserved for church, family recovery/visitation, rest, and free time

Are medications allowed?

Medication history is reviewed during the application process. Unfortunately, we are unable to accept ladies on psychiatric medication and all applicants must be weaned from these before coming to the House of Hope. Other medications may be taken with the approval of staff, on a case-by-case basis. Many ladies find they no longer need to take routine medication once they begin to be healed by the power of Jesus Christ.

Must I be detoxed before arriving?

Since we are not a medical facility, all residents must be detoxed prior to admittance. We recommend ladies be substance and alcohol free for at least one week before coming to the House of Hope.

Is smoking allowed?

NO! It is our belief that Jesus Christ can heal you from ALL addictions.

Will I be allowed visitors, mail and/or phone calls?

Yes. After your 30 day orientation period, you will be allowed to send/receive mail, make limited phone calls, and receive approved visitors. Ladies will also be eligible to receive one pass per month to spend time with their family each month. As you progress in the program you will be allowed to have overnight passes at the discretion of the staff. Remember these things are a privilege, not a right. Passes, phone calls, and mail are approved and monitored by the staff on an individual basis.

What are the visitors guidelines?

All visitors must be approved by staff. Please do not come to visit without having talked to staff on the phone prior to arriving. Call the facility and leave a message if we are unable to answer. Your call will be returned by Friday. All visitors must attend Family Recovery Classes. Absolutely no alcohol products of any kind are allowed on the property. There is no smoking on the property of House of Hope. If you smoke or take medication, please lock your these in your car, out of sight. Residents are not allowed to use cell phones. Please also lock cell phones in your car, out of sight of the residents. Visitors should not give any over the counter medication to the ladies. (I.E. cold meds, Tylenol, laxatives, etc.) Do not leave anything with the resident. All outgoing and incoming items are to go through staff only. If you wish to bring anything, please call the staff prior to the visit for approval. If you wish to bring anything, please call the staff prior to the visit for approval. If you wish to bring something special please clear this with the staff first. If the resident is in need of anything you may leave some money with the staff and we will provide the needs. You are not to give money directly to the resident. Do not leave food or drinks (including candy or soda) with the resident. All items should be left with staff. Residents are not allowed off the property at any time. during visitation Visiting hours are on Sundays from 2pm-5pm and are strictly adhered to. Please do not arrive early or stay late. No visitors are allowed in residents sleeping area. (upstairs of the main house). No cooking in the kitchen is allowed during visitation All children must be supervised at all times. No aggressive behavior of any kind is allowed including fighting, cursing or screaming. No pets, animals, or firearms are allowed on the property.​ We welcome visits by family. All visitors must be on your approved contact list. It is recommended that families limit visiting to twice per month. Residents are not allowed to be left alone with any man other than a family member.

Visitation is a privilege and can be denied at staff’s discretion.

What is the cost? Is it state funded? Do you accept insurance?

We ask for a minimum of $1250 per month per resident. (It actually costs the House of Hope approximately $3500/mo to house each resident, but ladies do various fundraisers throughout the year to raise the other half of their tuition.) Since we are a Christian home, we receive no federal or state funding and rely solely on donations and sponsorship's. At this time, we are unable to accept medical insurance for the payment of the program

What if I don't have the money?

Do not be discouraged. Ask family members, friends, and your local church if they would be willing to help sponsor you. We do sometimes have partial scholarships available though individuals in our community. Do the best you can to raise support and trust God to do the rest.

Is there an entrance fee?

Yes. We ask for a non-refundable $750 entrance fee upon admittance.

What about completion and/or aftercare?

Our program is a minimum of one year. When a lady is ready to graduate the program, the staff will give the student an exit plain to individualize and create a tailored aftercare program. These plans will vary depending on each lady's specific struggles needs, and circumstances. All students are highly encouraged to do either a Servant-Leader internship or transition into one of our re-entry homes located minutes from the House of Hope. Both programs provide a certain level of freedom as well as support and accountability during the early stages of recovery.